The 13 Moon Journey Includes


-13 Month Long Journey into the Divine Feminine Mysteries as offered in The Alchemy of Ecstasy: Initiates’ Guide to the Feminine Mysteries by Ariel Spilsbury

-Private Telegram Group for Sharing Your Personal Journey through the Alchemical Process of Revealing Your Essence Self

-Printed Guidebook for the Journey (in addition to the recommended reading of either the 13 Moon Oracle or The Alchemy of Ecstasy that is a part of the greater Mystery School) *NEW*

-Free 30 minute recorded audio or video each moon about the Astrological Transits and how they relate to the archetypes we are journeying through *NEW*

Each Moon, You will Receive

-2 Two Hour Long Live Ceremonial Zoom Experiences: 

-Archetypal Activation Ceremony 

-Half Moon Ceremony (Ritual-based)

-Journaling Inquiries & Recorded Meditations to journey with individually throughout each moon

-Rituals, Breathwork & Embodiment Offerings/Practices *NEW*

-One Connection Call with the Sisters & Priestesses in Devotion where you can practice offering your Priestess Skills, holding space, and sharing authentically about your journey to deepen your relationships

 As Initiates in Devotion, You will Also Receive

-1 Additional One Hour Reflection Call post Archetypal Activation Ceremony

-Individual Telegram Thread “Circle within the Circle”

-Tracking & Mentoring: Quarterly Check in Call with Greyson *NEW*

-Journaling Inquiries specific to your experience as an Initiate in Devotion-each moon *NEW*


The Initiates in Devotion Curriculum


Each Initiate will be Creating their own Offerings while Serving the Greater Temple, so that they can celebrate the birth of the actualization of their Priestess Skills with an offering they can share with their communities and the greater world at the end of this journey.


Each Initiate will have the invitation & opportunity to:

-Create a Ritual and Lead a portion of Ceremony at one of the Initiation Calls

-Half Moon Calls-practice holding space, sharing inquiries and witnessing initiates

-Lead Connection/Deepening Calls on the weeks we are not in circle with the rest of the Initiates & IID’s


Additional Offerings Initiates Can Create:

-Sound Baths/Ceremonies for each Face of the Goddess

-Sharing the Myth of the Goddess they’ve chosen to journey with and learn about 

-Elemental Offerings/Practices

-Movement Practice or Breathwork (temple dance, mudra as dance, yoga practice)

-Ceremonial Tools they create for themselves, share and consecrate in circle and then create for others.

Support Roles Offered for Initiates in Devotion


Technology Angels:

-Website Support

-Zoom Support

-Photo for Background of Temple Space each Moon

-Video for Entry Gate

-Backdrop for Temple Space


Weaver Dreamer Angels:

-Social Media Support

-Telegram Gardening


Ceremonial Angels:

-Turn of the Wheel Calls

-Visioning Ceremonies & Immersion Flows

-Blessings, Prayers & Invocations:

-Sacramental Offerings


Artistry Angels:

-Finding artist names on imagery shared within the circle

-Scouting new artists that resonate

-Creating sacred tools workshops (if that feels aligned)


Initiator Angels:

-Accountability Angels (pairing up moonly one-on-ones)


Flow Angels:

-Building out and updating finances for immersions, etc.

Who is this For & What Does it Offer?


The Initiate in Devotion path is for those who desire to walk in the world as Priestess, to learn how to cultivate their own skills and discover their unique gifts and talents within a sacred container where they can practice and refine those skills. There will be tracking on this at several levels, including the declaration of an offering you desire to birth during this cycle. 

There will be an additional curriculum built out for Initiates in Devotion including study of the tools, the process of alchemy, and the deepening of the Priestess Skills in the 13 Knots. 

The Initiates in Devotion will also be experiencing what it is like to hold the field, and will therefore be mentoring the new initiates as well as moving through their own alchemical journey.

Throughout Each Moon, You will be tracking these:


-Empty Presence

-Connecting with Your Ally

-Symbol Meditation

-Shadow & Light Qualities


In Addition, I will be offering a Heart Mind circle for Initiates in Devotion….

HeartMind Vision

Your next leap in leadership is directly related to your next level of consciousness.

Rather than a “Mastermind”, my intention is to create a container for those who wish to birth or develop their sacred business, built on a feminine model of creation & manifestation. 

We will use the 13 moon archetypes to explore their influence and harness their power to create and share our own unique gifts with the world.

One of my dedications is to bringing the sacred sanctuary of the Temple out into the world that it may be shared in wider webs and so that all beings may see the return to this way of living as a lifestyle that is creating union between our human lives and our capacity to walk as Priestess in the world. Therefore, it’s necessary to alchemize any shadows hidden in our lineage of service as suffering, especially financially. 

Part of the reason this Initiate in Devotion curriculum is being built the way it is, is so that as you step on this path, you can begin to create new ways to generate that are in alignment with your soul’s calling as Priestess. That way, you will feel the reciprocal nature of giving and receiving, and have the ability to generate for the tithing through your sacred work in the world.

*This is only offered to the Initiates in Devotion as the first year Initiates are learning about the archetypes, the process of alchemy and the field within themselves. 

Each Initiate will be creating their own Offerings while Serving the Greater Temple, so that they can celebrate the birth of the actualization of their Priestess Skills with an offering they can share with their communities and the greater world at the end of this journey.

Each month, you will receive access to a private website that includes specific lessons and practices directly weaving a relationship between the archetype we are deepening with and your sacred business.

We will gather in a once per moon call for 1 ½ hours to explore how the heartmind is creating through us-integrating both practical tools and more conceptual mediations and activations. 

If desired, we can also create once a month “creation sessions” where we are all together on zoom, beginning with a guided meditation or breathwork and then using the rest of the time to focus on our creative projects or specific business goals.

*This is only offered to the Initiates in Devotion as the first year Initiates are learning about the archetypes, the process of alchemy and the field within themselves. 

Exchange Options:

Included in Every Exchange is the following:

-10% Tithing back to Ariel for bringing this immense work through

-7% Tithing back to Sarah uMa, Greyson’s Mentor in the Mysteries

*Earlybird is now through the opening of Lion’s Gate (by midnight the morning of August 9th).* 

*I’m also open to creating opportunities for a discount for those of you who’d like to send the exchange in one single payment up front. If this is the case for you, please reach out to me directly.*

EarlyBird Pricing for Initiates in Devotion:

$199/Moon Base Exchange for 13 Moons  ($2,587 total) with a $555 non-refundable deposit required (this is available until midnight on August 8th)

With add on’s and necessary commitment to an immersion.

The link to claim your seat in the circle with a $555 deposit is here

Earlybird Pricing for Initiates in Devotion with Quarterly Mentoring:

$299/moon Base Exchange for 13 Moons ($3,887 total) with a $555 non-refundable deposit required (this is available until the Agreements Call)


-Free access to Egyptian Mysteries 9-moon program

-Quarterly 1:1 Mentoring Calls with Greyson

Earlybird Pricing for Initiates in Devotion with Monthly Mentoring & HeartMind Gatherings:

$355/moon Base Exchange for 13 Moons ($4,615 total) with a $555 non-refundable deposit required (this is available until the Agreements Call)


-Free access to Egyptian Mysteries 9-moon program

-Monthly 1:1 Mentoring Calls with Greyson

-HeartMind Gatherings once/month (see below)

Optional A la Carte Add On’s:


1:1 Mentoring with Greyson:

-1 45 Minute One-on-One Mentoring Call with Greyson (to develop your empty presence practice and receive the unique Rites of Passage of your personal soul’s evolutionary journey through this work). 

45 Minute Mentoring Session upon request: $188/45 minutes

Webinars & Other Related Programs:


-Monthly Embodying the Alchemist Webinar

A 45 minute webinar (you can listen to in your own time) tracking the Processes & Operations of Alchemy with each archetype.


-Journaling Inquiries

-Guided Meditation for you to Deepen with throughout the moon (first call will be open to all) *NEW*

Embodying the Alchemist Webinar each moon: $33/moon or $429 additional


-9 Month Egyptian Mysteries Program

This will be a course built around the Neteru of the Egyptian Mysteries, beginning in January 2024 leading up to the Egypt pilgrimage. 


Journaling Inquiries 

Guided Meditations meeting each of the Gods & Goddesses and visiting the Temples on the Etheric Planes


Egyptian Mysteries Program: $444 additional for those in the circle if you don’t sign up during the EarlyBird offer (after August 9th)

Immersions, Retreats & Pilgrimages:

By Committing to this Work, You are also saying “YES” to attending at least one 3-Day In Person Immersion Weekend during the year or the Egypt Pilgrimage held September 2024.

Options May Include: (exchange includes all ceremonies, gifts, meals and lodging. Does not include transportation to the immersion)

Tentative Dates for Immersion One is January 25th-28th, 2024. The focus will be one of the below and location is so far a surprise!

Anointing Immersion

Great Mother Immersion

Priestess Immersion

Goddess of Love Immersion

Egyptian Mysteries Immersion (in US, in person 2-3 day workshop)

Egyptian Mysteries Pilgrimage (in Egypt, September 2024)

Each Immersion (except the actual Egypt pilgrimage) costs $1,555 for those in the circle. These will be open to others desiring to attend, so that you have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to be a Priestess in Devotion. 

The link to claim your seat in the circle with a $555 deposit is here

Schedule of 13 Moon Initiation & Half Moon Calls


August 31st (Thursday): Initiates in Devotion Preparatory Call & Temple Activation

Great Mother Sanctuary opens for IID

September 7th (Thursday): Agreements Call with Entire Circle

September 8th (Friday): Great Mother Sanctuary Opens 


Thursday, September 14th: Great Mother Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Virgo ♍︎, Sun in Virgo September 15th & Rosh Hashana

Thursday, September 28th: Half Moon Call

🌕 Full Moon in Aries, (🌞Sun in Libra) September 29th


October 9th (Monday): Goddess of Compassion Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, October 12th: Goddess of Compassion Initiation Call

🌑New Moon in Virgo ♍︎, Solar Eclipse (Sun in Libra) October 14th

Thursday, October 26th: Half Moon Call

🌕Full Moon in Taurus, Lunar Eclipse (🌞Sun in Scorpio) October 28th Blood Moon


October 30th (Monday): Priest/ess Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, November 9th: Priest/ess Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Scorpio November 13th

Friday, November 24th: Half Moon Call

🌕Full Moon in Gemini, (🌞Sun in Sagittarius) November 27th


December 4th (Monday): Creator Destroyer Preserver Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, December 7th: Creator Destroyer Preserver Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Sagittarius, (🌞Sun in Sagittarius) December 12th

Thursday, December 21st: Half Moon Call & WINTER SOLSTICE

🌕Full Moon in Cancer, (🌞Sun in Capricorn) December 27th



January 1st (Monday): Lady of Communion Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, January 4th: Lady of Communion Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Capricorn, Sun in Capricorn January 11th

Thursday, January 18th: Half Moon Call

🌕Full Moon in Leo, (🌞Sun in Capricorn) January 25th



January 29th (Monday): Muse Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, February 1st: Muse Initiation Call & IMBOLC

 🌑New Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Aquarius February 9th

Thursday, February 15th: Half Moon Call

🌕Full Moon in Virgo, (🌞Sun in Pisces) February 24th


February 26th (Monday): Goddess of Love Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, February 29th: Goddess of Love Initiation Call & Leap Day!

 🌑New Moon in Pisces, Sun in Aquarius March 10th

Thursday, March 14th: Half Moon Call

🌕Full Moon in Libra, (🌞Sun in Aries) Lunar Eclipse March 25th


March 25th (Monday): Primal Goddess Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, March 28th: Primal Goddess Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse, Sun in Aries April 8th

Monday, April 11th: Half Moon Call


April 3rd (Monday): Initiator Sanctuary Opens & Earth Day

🌕Full Moon in Libra, (🌞Sun in Taurus) April 23rd

Thursday, April 25th: Initiator Initiation Call

 🌑New Moon in Taurus, Sun in Taurus May 8th

Thursday, May 9th: Half Moon Call


May 20th (Monday): Wise Woman Sanctuary Opens

🌕Full Moon in Sagittarius, (🌞Sun in Gemini) May 23rd

Thursday, May 23rd: Wise Woman Initiation Call

Thursday, June 6th: Half Moon Call

 🌑New Moon in Gemini, Sun in Gemini June 8th


June 17th (Monday): Weaver Dreamer Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, June 20th: Weaver Dreamer Initiation Call

🌕Full Moon in Aquarius, (🌞Sun shifting from Cancer to Leo!) June 21st and Summer Solstice

Friday, July 5th: Half Moon Call

 🌑New Moon in Cancer, Sun in Cancer July 5th


July 15th (Monday): Queen of Death Sanctuary Opens

Thursday, July 18th: Queen of Death Initiation Call

🌕Full Moon in Capricorn, (🌞Sun in Cancer) July 22nd

July 25th-July 30th: WEEK OUTSIDE OF TIME

Thursday, August 1st: Half Moon Call

 🌑New Moon in Leo, Sun in Leo August 4th


August 12th (Monday): Alchemical Goddess Sanctuary Opens & Lion’s Gate Closes

Thursday, August 15th: Alchemical Goddess Initiation Call

🌕Full Moon in Aquarius, (🌞Sun in Leo) August 19th

Thursday, August 29th: Half Moon Call

 🌑New Moon in Virgo, Sun in Virgo September 3rd

September 12th Completion Immersion & Celebration Ceremony


Egypt Pilgrimage & Immersion

September 13th-27th

🌕Full Moon in Aries, Lunar Eclipse (🌞Sun in Virgo) September 18th

 🌑New Moon in Gemini, Solar Eclipse, 🌞Sun in Gemini October 2nd



Schedule of Post Initiation Reflection Calls


Initiate in Devotion Post Initiation Reflection Calls will be held on the Friday morning following the Initiation Call. Time to be determined based on IID schedules, but most likely 7 or 8am Central Time.


Friday, September 15th

Friday, October 13th

Friday, November 10th

Friday, December 8th

Friday, January 5th

Friday, February 2nd

Friday, March 1st

Friday, March 29th

Friday, April 26th

Friday, May 24th

Friday, June 21st

Friday, July 19th

Friday, August 16th

Wednesday, September 11th

HeartMind Calls: 

Using the power of archetypes to support us in our creative manifestations & service.


Saturday, August 19th

Saturday, September 30th

Saturday, October 21st

Saturday, November 18th

Saturday, December 16th

Saturday, January 13th

Saturday, February 10th

Saturday, March 9th

Saturday, April 13th

Saturday, May 11th

Saturday, June 1st

Saturday, June 29th

Saturday, July 20th

Saturday, August 24th