About Temple of the Swan
A Sacred Feminine MysteriumÂ
We are a community of beings devoted to a feminine-first way of living. The Sacred Feminine is now being re-membered across this planet, beginning within the very cells of your being. The more you remember, the more the expansive horizon of harmony and balance appears before your eyes. Your world will start to shift as you trust the moonlit path, your night vision will awaken, your heart will bloom open with each footstep you take.
We offer a range of immersive experiences to support you on your path, knowing that each person has unique ways of hearing the whispers of their Soul, awakening their gifts and expressing their deepest purpose. Most importantly, on this path, you will be empowered as your own fountain of wisdom. Though some of our offerings include teachings, a central pillar of this mysterium is that the Priest/ess holds their own innate connection to the Divine, and there is no teacher here for you to give your power away to.Â
We are here to guide you
To discover your wings.

Another key tenet of this mysterium is the practice of honoring. Within this culture thatâs been obsessed with quick fix-its and personal branding, we are dedicated to honoring those upon whose shoulders we stand. If it were not for the courage of these great humans, the lanterns would not have been lit to guide us through the doors of our own consciousness.
As such, The Temple of the Swan is a dedicated temple in service to the Thirteen Moon Mystery School (hyperlink), founded by Ariel Spilsbury (hyperlink) . The Mystery School is a template passed down for centuries from the ancient Goddess wisdom held in Avalon. Ariel, a being whose capacity to embody the many faces of Sophia, transcribed The Alchemy of Ecstasy (hyperlink), the source text combining many ancient wisdom traditions, quantum physics, Mayan codes and most importantly, the thirteen archetypes of the Sacred Feminine.Â
In Avalonian times, Priest/esses of the Goddessâ Mysteries would devote themselves to at least thirteen years of training in the sacred arts, receiving a knot on their priestess belt as they mastered the meta-skills and saturated themselves in the frequencies of each archetype, until their capacity to respond came first from the Goddess rather than from the conditioned patterns of behavior rooted in unconscious biological, societal or collective constructs. This was rigorous training that ensured these men and women were capable of using the true power of the Divine with integrity, so they might learn to walk as Unconditional Love in all their experiences, not just when on the temple grounds.Â
In this day and age, we stand at a pivotal moment in collective consciousness, in the amplification of duality pairs that tend to polarize and separate. The path of Priest/ess prevails eternally, though the teachings have expanded beyond the physical and mystical realms of Avalon. Nevertheless, the intention remains the same: to guide beings through the process of inner alchemy, refining and expanding their consciousness so that they, too, can awaken their innate gifts, discover unconditional love and carry the lantern for others to find their way home to the One Heart through any dark night on this planet.
The first gate of entry into this temple also endures time and space:
and that isâŚÂ
to be able to part the mists of small mindÂ
and open to receiveÂ
what lies shroudedÂ
in the great mystery.
In devotion,
Greyson Eve
Founder & Priest/ess
Meet the Tenders of the Temple
The Temple of the Swan is a community dedicated to the Sacred Arts and studying the Ancient Mysteries, particularly focused on those passed down from Avalon. Following the principles of the 13 Moon Mystery School, founded by Ariel Spilsbury, this temple is a place for discovering your innate connection with the Divine, cultivating your capacity for self-awareness and expression, and deepening your devotion to live life in service to embodied Love.

Greyson Eve
As a Priestess devoted to walking as an emissary of Divine Mother's Love, with the brilliant team both above & below, I am building the foundation of this temple.Â
After over a decade of deep diving into the realms of the Divine Feminine, archetypal embodiment and inner alchemy, the time has come to serve others as a midwife of their Soul....just as the below guides, mentors, teachers & soul allies have done and continue to do for me.
You can learn more about my human endeavors and the gifts I'm cultivating here.
Words of Love from Ariel Spilsbury

"The first time our frequencies touched on a phone call, I knew Greyson was not only a part of this lineage of the 13 Moon Mystery School, but that she carried ancient priestess codes over lifetimes that she would bring to bear on her offering as an Initiator. She had forgotten that fact. Over time, due to her own deep inner work in this lineage, she came into remembrance and is, as a result, now offering this work as a very precious gem in the Divine Motherâs crown. Her heart centered awareness carries beings who are prepared to do this depth soul work, across the initiatory threshold of remembrance of who and what they actually are as Soul Essence. There is no greater gift in a lifetime than to be offered the clear and loving support of such a guide on the path!
Greyson has a Priest/ess specialty in offering clear reflection from an Initiatorâs insightful, laser-like seeing through appearances, to the âheart and soul of any matterâ! She is, for this reason, the Temple Keeper for the Initiator Temple in the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School and the lineage holder of the sword of truth and as such is not afraid to bring to awareness, the ways in which beings are presently unconsciously limiting their expression and spiritual growth. She also shares from the depth of her body wisdom. And as a feeling navigator in circles, she adeptly inspires spiritual awakening and soul growth in those fortunate ones whom her life touches. I deeply endorse the work she is offering here. She is truly a daughter of my heart and the heart of the Goddess!"
Ariel Spilsbury
Founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School
Visit Ariel's website here.

Sarah uMaÂ
Sarah Uma is a Priestess and guide that is here to support the awakening of the Divine Feminine. She is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and has been a facilitator of this work for over 15 years.
She has devoted the last 20 years as a Priestess through offering ceremonies, womenâs circles, archetypal readings, and retreats empowering women to step into their sovereignty and support them to move beyond lack and limitation into their true prosperity.Â
Sarah Uma is a certified Yoga and Laughter Yoga leader and the Founder of "Kindalooney Yogaâ which weaves laughing, shaking medicine, and improv play, which she has brought to the Hospice of Santa Barbara, the Cancer Association, the Alzheimerâs Association and the Brain Injury Center of Santa Barbara.
She is a âCrone at the Crossroadsâ standing as an elder who knows the power of the heart and the importance of unifying mind and heart so that you may enter into the space where only love resides.
Sarah currently lives in Avalon, a mountaintop retreat in Santa Barbara.
uMa will be weaving her wisdom and magic as an Elder of the Temple and infusing each month of the year-long initiation circle with the mysteries of the Hieros Gamos, or Sacred Marriage.
You can discover more about this extraordinary being here.
Doris Graziela Navarro, PhD is a ceremonialist, soul-guide, Earth intuitive, medicine woman, and the founder of Woman of Gaia, where she holds the torch for those undergoing the dark night of the soul, supporting them as they uncover and embody their true essence and purpose, unapologetically. She loves laughter, deep conversations, chasing the moon, and communing with wild nature. One of her joys is to gather with other beings in circle (and when possible, around the fire and under the night sky!), and to bring the Earthâs wisdom, healing, and magic into her daily life and practice.
Doris blesses my life every day with the authenticity of her heart, her devotion to this path and her endless willingness to face all that arises as we polish the diamonds of our hearts.Â

A divinely aligned connection was woven for me with this techno angel as she appeared in my life just as I was calling in support for the foundation-building of this temple. Danielle's fervent passion for the Mysteries, deep trust in Mother and vast tool belt of techno skills is an invaluable part of how this is all coming into form! My gratitude overflows for my soul connection with this Priestess. Discover more about her here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is diversity like in the 13 Moon Mystery School?
What is the Structure of the 13 Moon Mystery School? How do I know where to begin or what the best next step is for me?
What are the facilitatorsâ qualifications, and what kind of training do they have?
Should I consider an initiation circle or 1:1 Mentorship?
How long have you been offering this work and how did it start?
Is there a religious aspect to this temple? How might my beliefs be held in this container?
Honoring my Guides
Ariel Spilsbury
Ariel is the founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School and the scribe through whom The Alchemy of Ecstasy was birthed. She holds the temple space of the mothership of this work-The Sanctuary of the Thirteen Moon Mystery School and is truly the embodiment of unconditional love.
As she says,âI am a mumbling mystic, a brilliant fool, a savant of symbols, a wily wordsmyth, a crone and wisewoman of wyrd, a fairy godmother, a sound priestess and crystal singer, a consciousness trainer, an initiator and truth teller, a lifelong cheerleader for the Goddess, a serpent moon visionary, a scribe and oracle of the Mystery, a Glass Bead Game magister, an archetypal agent for transformation, a mythic guide, a Crazy Wisdom initiator, divine child magician, a mythic script writer, a harmonic navigator, a planetary midwife and inner dimensions journey guide.â
It is Ariel whose galactic call rang the bell within my heart and called me home to the Mother. My gratitude is endless. Play in the realms of the holographic goddess, her wellspring of creativity and wisdom here.

Kai Karrel
Kai is a mystic, a medicine carrier, a practicing medium, and a passionate writer who strives to help people fall in love with themselves.
He is enthusiastic about helping others walk the journey of a thousand petals â a journey toward self-acceptance and the discovery of self-love.
Kai is my mentor in the realms of mediumship, as well as the Afro-Brazilian traditions of Umbanda, CandomblÊ and Santo Daime. He has been a guide into finding my truest nature, an exploration of the Orishas, and the herbs, plants, and practices which are meant to help us understand our lives through the lens of nature and its personified archetypes. Learn more about him here.
Zahra Indigo Rønlov
My dear sister Zahra Indigo Rønlov, opened the door for me to the Egyptian Mysteries my soul was longing to re-member in this lifetime. I've traveled beside her in those lands several times now and each time deepens both my trust in the mysteries and our invaluable sisterhood.
Indigo is an incredible teacher, writer, healer and treasured sister of Ma'at who resides in Oregon and shares many gifts of Alchemical Healing & deepening with the Neteru of Egypt. The private sailboat "dahabeya" she designed and had built will be the vessel for our pilgrimages down the Nile.