
Application to Enter Initiation

You will note that this is an unusual application.

Use the form as a way to get clear about your intention for entering into this work. We suggest you take time to sit in meditation or however you clear your mind to allow your heart to answer these inquiries. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers.

This application will be used to determine if this is the most beneficial time for you to enter this work and so that we might better serve your awareness knowing what is present in your field. There may be some preparatory work that would assist you in having a more powerful experience with this mystery school work such as an introductory course or one-on-one mentorship. We can discuss that upon completion of this form.

If you would like to print the questions and contemplate them at your own pace, you may download and print them here.

Click the button below to begin.


Question 1 of 20

First + Last Name

Question 2 of 20

Your email address

Question 3 of 20

How old are you in physical years? How old do you feel on the inner planes?

Question 4 of 20

Where are you currently living?

Question 5 of 20

What called you to this 13 Moon Journey?

Question 6 of 20

What hopes, desires or expectations would you have in entering this Mystery School?

Question 7 of 20

Have you been in therapy in past or presently? If so when and in what form?

Question 8 of 20

What work are you presently doing or what have you done, to heal the emotional woundings of your passage through life? Please be specific as to type and length of work.

Question 9 of 20

Do you have a practice to “still your mind”? If so, please describe.

Question 10 of 20

What seems to make you react emotionally? Please be honest!

Question 11 of 20

Describe yourself as a metaphor or symbol.

Question 12 of 20

What is the most important insight you have become aware of in the growth of your consciousness this year?

Question 13 of 20

What are your greatest gifts or strengths?

Question 14 of 20

What would you say is your major life lesson/challenge at this time? How are you responding to it?

Question 15 of 20

What would you characterize as your most persistent fear, doubt, block or limitation?

Question 16 of 20

Have you worked with archetypal or alchemical energy before & if so, in what context?

Question 17 of 20

What is your experience in working within a ceremonial circle?

Question 18 of 20

What has prepared you for engaging in this Mystery School work?

Question 19 of 20

Do you agree that you create your own reality? If so, express how you would go about changing some aspect of your reality that seems not to be working.

Question 20 of 20

Have you participated in any other offerings from the 13 Moon Mystery School focalizers? If yes, please list and give one gem of awareness or symbol that encompasses that experience for you.

Confirm and Submit