Immerse Yourself in the Archetypal Frequencies of the Moon on this Year-Long 13 Moon Mystery School journey.


Whether you’re yearning to be witnessed as you navigate a significant rite of passage or seeking to embark on a journey of deeper self-empowerment, The 13 Moon Mystery School year-long immersion serves as a transformative and catalytic experience of embodied learning.


By saying yes to this opportunity, you'll cross a threshold, stepping into a space of profound growth and self-discovery. As you engage fully with the process, you’ll find yourself shedding old patterns and beliefs, allowing you to return to your daily life as a more authentic expression of your true self and Soul.


✨ If you'd like to listen to the Info Call replay, please go here!



The most a priori, seminal premise on which this work is based is that archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms at a vibrational level of consciousness that goes far beyond what the mind can cognize.

Apply Now

In stepping onto this path, We are consciously choosing to re-member a time of Harmony & Balance that comes from embracing all in Unity Consciousness. 


In order to see this in our world out there, we each must create this new way of being from within. 


The Way of the Divine Feminine is a Way of Unconditional Love.


We have all been born into an overly solar world, one with an often unconscious striving, pushing, forcing and constant need for endless achievement. We repress & push away the feelings that lie beneath the surface or appear to slow us down.


The result of this is exhaustion—both within and outpictured in our planet.


This 13 moon journey is based on an ancient paradigm of the moon calendar. In many cultures, time was & is tracked by the changing faces of the moon. The moon governs the tides, agricultural seasons and the rhythm of life for entire civilizations. There are 13 moons each year. A woman has 13 moon cycles or “periods” annually. When we shift the way we track time, we come into greater alignment with Nature and remember our deep connection with the Earth & its capacity to heal.

The moon represents the feminine & lunar aspect that lies within all of us-regardless of our gender. It is our connection to the natural cycles, the ebb & flow of the tides, the mystery in the ever-changing faces. Reconnecting with the moon’s energy, we expand our lens of perception & re-member parts of ourselves that have been hidden in shadows or go unnoticed when we are so focused on our daily life.


In taking this journey, we reclaim harmony & balance between these two ways of being & doing, allowing the natural currents to guide our lives as we deepen our intuition and learn to trust the cycles of life. Opening our channels to archetypal energies helps us to see beneath the surface of our lives, innerstand the opportunities in every challenge we face, deepen our presence and shift the way we show up in our relationships & work…and as a result, our lives begin to change.


This journey is co-created in a small circle of beings that comes together to reflect the shifts occurring at a soul level, celebrate the rites of passage we move through as we evolve, and open us to insight as we cultivate the capacity to read & speak the subtle language of symbols.


The gifts of this 13 month journey are freedom, wholeness, and unity consciousness that come through an entirely new lens of seeing your life & all that is unfolding on the planet during these times. This is an invitation to step into Service at a Soul Level, for as you say YES to this work, you become conscious of the impact your individual life choices have on the collective and, through your own personal alchemy, you take part in the Great Shift occurring for us all.

What to Expect in your first 13 Moon Journey

  •  Learn to Trust the Mystery as you dive into your emotional body, cultivating the ability to discern between emotion and feeling.

  • Begin to sense at new levels as the Archetypal Energy immerses you and opens your channels of perception to the subtle realms.

  • Shift the way you communicate and relate to others as you experience deeper presence & soul-level relationships within the circle.

  • Face & Embrace shadow aspects of self that are rising to the surface of your awareness to be loved into wholeness. Every shadow holds a gift and this journey amplifies those aspects so that you can release past ways of being that no longer serve you and step into fuller embodiment.

  • Begin to navigate life in new ways that innately trust Source to guide you through your intuition rather than forcing outcomes.

  • Widen your capacity for holding all emotions & circumstances in Equanimity. Cultivate compassion and release beliefs, patterns and behaviors that might not be accessible to change from a mental level.

Shadows into Gifts

Every human comes into alchemical work with his own inner “nigredo” or lead that s/he desires to transmute. Those thoughts, feelings, and challenges s/he wishes to receive the gifts of as they refine within their awareness.

You will quickly discover that you’re not alone, as there are patterns in consciousness we are drawn to heal, not only for ourselves as individuals, but within collective consciousness, which is why we call inner alchemy the Great Work.

Some of the shadow themes that come up among participants to transmute are:


Struggle & Expectation

Unworthiness & Self Doubt

Abandonment Wounds


Issues of Scarcity & Limitation (‘Not Enoughness’)

Addiction to Avoid Emptiness

Escapism from Feelings 



Unresolved Anger & Rage

Issues with Power/Powerlessness


Indecisiveness & Creative Blocks

Competitiveness & Comparison


Survival Issues, Unresolved Shame & Guilt


Power & Control in the Ego

Mental Complexity

Core Layers of Self-Worth


Lack of Trust

Betrayal Wounds


And these are Gifts that Emerge from facing these Shadows & Transmuting them. Much more than a conceptual “idea” of these gifts, you will receive an embodied knowing of what these characteristics feel like within you. The imprint they offer have the capability to live from these states of being and shift the choices you make through conscious, aligned action: 


Death & Rebirth




Unconditional Love













Spiritual Warriorship


Reclaimed Innocence




Mythical Perception

Free Expression

Sensory Adept







True Power

Quantum Leap

Heart Knowing




The Thirteen Divine Feminine Archetypes

Great Mother

January 31 - February 27, 2025

Surrender into Her Cosmic Waters of Nurturance, Gratitude & Unconditional Love


Goddess of Compassion

February 28 - March 27, 2025

Discover Compassion & Activate the Bodhisattva Within through Mudra, Mantra & Yantra



March, 28 - April 24, 2025

Learn to Amplify in Stillness as the Oracle as You Bathe in the Waters of Remembrance


Creator Destroyer Preserver

April 25 - May 22, 2025

Purify & Liberate with Sacred Anger as You Learn to Focus Your Energy & Destroy Illusions


Lady of Communion

May 23 - June 19, 2025

Embody Sovereignty as You Rebalance Your Inner Masculine & Feminine, Coming into Harmony with all of Nature 



June 20 - July 17, 2025

Remember the Power of Play as You Activate the Sacred Gifts of Your Holy Innocent Child 


Goddess of Love

July 18 - August 14, 2025

Deepen Your Presence through the Senses as You Fulfill Your Divine Desire for True Self-Love


Primal Goddess

August 15 - September 11, 2025

Liberate Yourself from unconscious patterns of Limitation, Discovering the Wild Wo/Man Within



September 12 - October 9, 2025

Step into Full Authenticity as You Align with Truth & Take a Quantum Leap towards Your True Nature


Wise Wo/man

October 10 - November 6, 2025

Return to the Source of Your Inner Wisdom through Humor, Heart Knowing & Medicine Ways


Weaver Dreamer

November 7 - December 4, 2025

Expand Your Perception to the Mythic Self You Came to Embody, Weaving a New Reality for Self & All

Queen of Death

December 5 - January 1, 2025

Release in Trust as You Set Sail across the River Styx & Shed Layers of Past Paradigms

Alchemical Goddess

January 2 - 29, 2025

Ecstatically Enter the Portal of Rebirth through the Peacock’s Tail, Embodying the Alchemist Who Transmutes Lead into Gold

Transpersonal/Archetypal Work

Archetypal work is a deeply healing, transformative path of self-realization that is, by nature, focused both on the self and the collective simultaneously. Personal development is not for the personal sake, but so that the person becomes a vehicle of service for the whole.

Archetypes can be studied through the intellect, in depth psychology work such as led by Carl Jung and James Hillman. Archetypes, however, can also be embodied through practices beyond the linear mind, and their energetics can be harnessed for healing the very fabric of collective consciousness while deeply transforming the life of the being who undertakes it. 

It is an advanced curriculum in soul evolution, by which the soul becomes embodied and starts to shift aspects of the personality that were built upon coping mechanisms or anything less than love. Archetypes exist beyond time and space, therefore their energy can be invoked and harnessed through many sacred technologies and deeply impact the life of those who choose to work with them. 

In archetypal work, we begin to see our lives from a mythic level–through the lens of the soul rather than the small mind or ego’s perspective. This opens up a much wider horizon in which to explore both many existential questions as well as life paths that may not have been available prior to saying yes to this path. 

Because archetypes transcend time and space, and are larger patterns woven within consciousness, they are “worked with” and accessed in what may appear to be ancient ways: rituals, rites of passage, sound, color, shape, mythology. The Divine Feminine lens of perception holds 13 archetypes or faces of the Goddess-as She represents the anima, or feminine aspect of every individual, usually held in the unconscious or subconscious. Archetypal energy of the feminine is felt through the element of water, the planet of the moon, which flows and changes form, embodies the mystery of life that cannot be explained through linear mind.

Therefore, when undertaking archetypal work with the Divine Feminine, you are consciously saying “yes” to traversing new territory within yourself that has previously been hidden from you. You will begin to cultivate a conscious relationship with your inner feminine (anima) and re-balance any aspects of you that may be overly solar or toxic in its masculinity (animus). You will still hold the polarity you choose to embody, however you can embody it more fully, consciously and health-fully. You will also be able to embody your masculinity with more compassion for the feminine aspect of consciousness, therefore dancing more masterfully with her.

You will also learn to engage with life from a new lens of perception, deepening your capacity to trust in the mystery and learn through gnosis or embodied wisdom, rather than seeking to find knowledge to explain that which is, in essence, paradoxical in the very nature of life itself. 

Unlock your priest/ess powers

Uncover the deeper mysteries of devotion and self-empowerment

Apply Now

Who this is for


The 13 Moon Mystery School is for beings who feel the desire to either:

  • Enter both the Virtual and Immersive Circle to experience the full wheel of the 13 Divine Feminine archetypes (1 year commitment) and attend at least one of the immersions.

  • Join the full immersive experience with the commitment to joining each of the in-person gatherings and receive access to all of the online curriculums and interim online calls.

What you will receive


Moving through the Archetypal Wheel

Ceremonies: Each month, you will gather with the entire circle of men & women in 2 online ceremonies that invoke the archetypal presence you will work with for that moon cycle. Ceremonies are 3.5-4 hours in length and will include embodied movement practices, meditations, guided inquiries, rituals and dance. 


Small groups: During those ceremonies, you will have opportunities to meet with smaller groups within the circle to share and witness others to reveal the deeper patterns emerging. 


Connection Calls: You will also have “Connection Calls” led by Initiates in Devotion, where you will get to know one another more deeply and have a chance for sharing how each archetype is revealing itself in your life.


There is an opportunity for connection each week online, seasonal immersions in person and an ongoing telegram communication thread as well as 1:1 mentoring or allyship.


Ongoing support & community

Monthly Connection Calls: Receive time for shared reflection on a video call with your participant group, led by a focalizer apprentice skilled at holding space for reflection.

Telegram Communication: Uniting the various levels of awareness & weaving together the transpersonal and personal is a large part of the ongoing integration of this Soul Work. You will be held in a private telegram communication thread-one for those of your gender and one for the entire circle, so that you have opportunities to reflect on all that’s arising for you or what initiatory gates you are passing through in your own life’s circumstances each month.

1:1 Menorship & Additional Support: Should you need or desire additional support, the Focalizers & Focalizer Apprentices will be available for you to set up 1:1s with each month or as needed. Often, these sessions can help you move through a breakthrough or receive a specific piece of guidance that is meant just for you.

Allyship: You will also be paired with other initiates throughout the 13-month journey so that you can cultivate your Priest/ess skills, learn to hold space for one another, and discover how to hone your intuition and insight. These ally relationships have the power to create entirely new imprints for how you relate throughout your life: with loved ones, colleagues, friends and partners.

The time has come.

Awaken to your divine destiny & empowerment.


2025 - 2026
Virtual Circle Dates



🌑🕯️ Great Mother Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, January 31, 2025 - Imbolc

🌖 Great Mother Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, February 14, 2025


🌑 Goddess of Compassion Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, February 28, 2025

🌖 Goddess of Compassion Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, March 14, 2025


🌑 Priest/ess Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, March 28, 2025

🌖 Priest/ess Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, April 11, 2025


🌑 Creator Destroyer Preserver Initiation Ceremony: Friday, April 25, 2025

🌖 Creator Destroyer Preserver Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, May 9, 2025


🌑 Lady of Communion Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, May 23, 2025

🌖 Lady of Communion Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, June 6, 2025


🌑 müSe Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, June 20, 2025 & Summer Solstice!

🌖 müSe Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, July 4, 2025 


🌑 Goddess of Love Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, July 18, 2025

🌖 Goddess of Love Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, August 1, 2025


🌑 Primal Goddess Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, August 15, 2025

🌖 Primal Goddess Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, August 29, 2025


🌑 Initiator Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, September 12, 2025

🌖 Initiator Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, September 26, 2025


🌑 Wise Woman Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, October 10, 2025

🌖 Wise Woman Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, October 24, 2025


🌑 Weaver Dreamer Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, November 7, 2025

🌖 Weaver Dreamer Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, November 21, 2025


🌑 Queen of Death Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, December 5, 2025

🌖 Queen of Death Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, December 19, 2025


🌑 Alchemical Goddess Virtual Initiation Ceremony: Friday, January 2, 2026

🌖 Alchemical Goddess Virtual Half Moon Ceremony: Friday, January 16, 2026


🌕 Completion Circle: Friday, January 30, 2026

Meet Your Focalizer


Greyson Kirby


Greyson Kirby is an ordained priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, a humble student of the teachings of the mysteries from the principles of the Divine Feminine to Gnostic Christianity; from the archetypes of Ancient Egypt, to the wisdom of Nature, the five elements & the Cosmos.

She is a practicing alchemist, privileged to focalize circles dedicated to helping others remember the abundant, whole and radiant Souls they are. Greyson guides others to transmute the unconscious patterns we all carry so that together, we can live lives that embody deep passion & devotion.

With a small group of devoted initiates, she facilitates both virtual and in-person immersions across the United States & in Egypt....and watch the mystery unfold from within us and the experiences she has had the honor to co-create.

Greyson bows to those who have come before her and shepherded her through her journey of remembrance on this path of initiation...the grandmothers, the sisters, the allies, the ones who've woken her up when she got caught in the dream, and the dreamers who continue to wake her up to the infinite, overflowing truth of unconditional love.

Sacred Exchange

There is a payment of $555 that's required to secure your place in the circle.

Your $555 deposit is applied towards future in-person or virtual immersion retreats. It is applied to your first payment.

If you require financial assistance, please visit this link for scholarship information. Note that scholarships are limited.

10% tithing goes back to Ariel Spilsbury for bringing this immense work through.


Option #1 by Moon  


Silver Level


13 moon payment plan

  • 14 Virtual Initiation Ceremonies
  • 13 Virtual Half Moon Ceremonies
  • Virtual Sanctuary of Curriculum
  • Priest/ess Allies
  • Alchemy Course
  • Inner Marriage Course
  • Telegram Circles
  • Complimentary access to The SWAN Membership for the year

Gold Level


13 moon payment plan

  • 14 Virtual Initiation Ceremonies
  • 13 Virtual Half Moon Ceremonies
  • Virtual Sanctuary of Curriculum
  • Priest/ess Allies
  • Alchemy Course
  • Inner Marriage Course
  • Telegram Circles
  • 13 Personal Mentoring Sessions
  • Complimentary access to The SWAN Membership for the year


Option #2: Pay-in-Full


Silver Level


paid in full | one-time payment

  • 14 Virtual Initiation Ceremonies
  • 13 Virtual Half Moon Ceremonies
  • Virtual Sanctuary of Curriculum
  • Priest/ess Allies
  • Alchemy Course
  • Inner Marriage Course
  • Telegram Circles
  • Complimentary access to The SWAN Membership for the year

Gold Level


paid in full | one-time payment

  • 14 Virtual Initiation Ceremonies
  • 13 Virtual Half Moon Ceremonies
  • Virtual Sanctuary of Curriculum
  • Priest/ess Allies
  • Alchemy Course
  • Inner Marriage Course
  • Telegram Circles
  • 13 Personal Mentoring Sessions
  • Complimentary access to The SWAN Membership for the year

Are you interested in learning more?

We officially began circle on January 31, 2025. However, if you are feeling a call towards joining us, please fill out the application by clicking on the bottom below. Once received, Greyson will reach out to schedule a call where together you'll explore and discern if you are ready at a Soul level to embark on this alchemical journey.


Fill out the application

Expressions of Love from a Few of Our Beloved Initiates

"My experience with Greyson and the Temple of the Swan has been nothing short of extraordinary. I have experienced exponential growth in my spiritual path as I served as an Initiate in Devotion this past year.

Greyson has been a superb mentor, focalizer, leader, and initiator. She has encouraged and challenged me to see and go beyond what I thought possible and to take the leap into the unknown. She didn't let me off the hook! She masterfully shined her light in my blind spots, bringing clarity, alignment, and coherence, always with unconditional love. She also gave me so many opportunities to develop my gifts and interests, and created space for me to offer those to the greater circle. I feel I have reached another octave in my spiritual journey since I started working with Greyson in the Temple of the Swan. I can barely recognize myself when I look back a year ago! And I'd love nothing more than for each being to have this same privilege and opportunity."

Doris N.



“Having just completed 13 moons of in person initiations, I was a bit hesitant to commit to doing the work primarily online. I honestly thought that the experience would be lacking in some ways.

While it was certainly different, there is absolutely no lack in the commitment that both uMa and Greyson bring to this work. The experience through these 13 moons was the most richly transformative of my life to date.

Both uMa and Greyson are fierce initiators as well as loving and compassionate guides. They each go to the distance in guiding us as initiates through this life-changing path.

While in person initiations may not be available to the majority, I would certainly not hesitate in working with uMa and Greyson again whether online or in person. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for having been able to walk with both of them on this path.”


Sharon Eisenhauer

“Greyson’s ability to create a container and hold space amidst all that is happening in her human life is admirable. I see the beauty of the archetypes weaving their way through her. Her immense trust in the Divine and that all will unfold as guided is a permission slip for me to do the same.

I especially am grateful for her leaning into and speaking of her humanity as well because that is the experience we all chose here on Earth, to marry the soul into the physical form.

Immense gratitude for Greyson, Uma, Ariel, and this work. For this isn't just one journey around the wheel for me, this is now a journey of this lifetime.





My journey with the 13 Moon Mystery School has been one of the great blessings of my life. It came to me in one of my darkest hours. I was lead by my beloved on the other side to connect with Sarah Uma and after speaking to her I knew that it was my path. The love and support I have received from Sarah Uma, Greyson and from the whole 13 Moon Community has been so precious to me.

Walking this path has taught me to view life as my constant initiation and to learn to sit with how all is happening for me, rather than to me, and to see the gifts and teachings in each moment. I have learned to walk in devotion to the One Heart and my greatest purpose has been made clear to me through my journeys with the 13 Moon Mystery School, which is that of being in service to Love.

I view priestessing as a sacred art and a title to not be taken lightly. The teachings that make up the curriculum are expansive, mystical, esoteric and yet extremely practical. I am honored to call myself an Initiated Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School tradition.

I encourage all of you who are drawn to this path of devotion to follow your heart. Sarah Uma and Greyson are two of the most loving, skilled and gifted guides for this journey.

Jemma Skye Champeau


Commonly Asked Questions


 "Entering the zoom temple each moon with priestess sisters from all over the world is deeply moving, humbling and joyful! To feel the deep connections, the love, devotion and freedom that is available to all of us if we go deeper, look closer, embrace it all.

I feel richer, more anchored on this earthly plane, more connected to my inner wisdom, more trusting of divine guidance, my awareness has expanded and reached new heights. I am forever grateful for the jewels we dug out of the fertile soil and will continue to walk this spiral path beside you."

Silvia Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha

"My journey as an initiate of the 13 Moons Mystery School was transformative and blessed me with a higher level of presence and trust in the great mystery of life.

As a scientist and entrepreneur with a big vision and choosing a path less traveled, my fears were many and it felt like I was experiencing a dissolution of self as I journeyed through the archetypes. Dissolution of rigidness, of the need to figure it out, of my forceful drive that kept me operating under pressure and stress. Through this journey, I discovered another power source to plug into and an expansiveness in my ability to accept all of myself as I continue my mission."


Carley C, PhD, Scientist & Leadership Coach & Facilitator