Experience the Inner Union of dualities as you create a new level of unity consciousness within.


Discover the 13 Faces of the Goddess within your own psyche during this year-long initiation into the feminine mysteries.

Step across thresholds to more fully embody your wholeness as well as the polarity you choose to hold physically.

Study the ancient art of inner alchemy alongside a small group of initiates devoted to the Great Work.

This work is for the Man who desires to:

- Explore & Integrate your feminine aspects so that he can be stronger in knowing how to hold his partner

- Refine his emotional IQ-to deepen with his feeling nature and learn how to harness the potential energy in the emotions

- Innerstand the mysteries of Creation through a feminine lens

- Deepen his relationships with other men by being witnessed in authentic expression

- Learning to listen at new levels and pick up on more subtle cues as he opens his channels of perception

- Comprehend the perspective of the women in his life to be more compassionate & sensitive

- Deepen his relationships by learning to listen at new levels and pick up on more subtle cues



This is Not:


- A Polarity Workshop

- An exploration of Sexual Dynamics

- A place to meet a potential partner