Step Beyond Who You Know Yourself to Be.


Into the Mythic is your first step as you enter the spiral path of The 13 Moon Mystery School™.


It is a 9-week preparatory practicum where you'll be introduced to Archetypes, the path of the Divine Feminine & Your Unique Soul Contracts.

Welcome in Your Mythic Self.

Into the Mythic is an 8-week course designed to guide you to:

Connect with your intuition by discovering which of the 8 channels of sensory perception aligns you with your inner knowing. Cultivate practices to deepen this awareness.


Experience deeper presence by learning to empty of your personality (small self) and feel what it is to embody your Soul (Higher Self).


Open yourself to archetypal energy & the layers of your subtle body with practices that focus on each of the chakras as conduits to receive information directly from the Divine.

Receive an introduction to the ancient art of inner alchemy and what it means to transmute self-limiting patterns and gain insight on the treasure held in all your experiences of life, even the ones you deem painful.

Track the moon cycle and learn to utilize these rhythms in your day-to-day life, projects and relationships.


Learn to feel & navigate realms beyond the seen as you re-member what it means to lift the veils of perception and see through the lens of your heart.

Connect in heart space with like-minded beings to experience a new level of relating that’s soul-first in a weekly Zoom temple (only available in co-hort format).


Receive lifetime access to practices, journal prompts & guidance that will introduce you to the Divine Feminine aspects within yourself, beyond any idea of physical gender. 

Who is this for?


Into the Mythic is for those who are feeling called to learn more about the Sacred Feminine Mysteries.

Upon completing this course, those who feel drawn to delve further into their journey of remembrance are encouraged to advance to the next level. This course acts as a preparatory practicum for the Entering the Mysteries: A 13 Moon Mystery School Initiation Circle with Greyson, starting in January 2025. There are still seats available for the upcoming 13 Moon Mystery School circle with Rites of Passage both in person and virtually through Zoom temples, with opportunities for in-person immersions & weekend intensives throughout the year.


"Out beyond any ideas of right & wrong, there is a field.  I’ll meet you there."



Course format for self-study:


  • Immediate access to all Modules, including reflection practices, journaling prompts & information to integrate.


Course format for co-hort:


  •  Modules will be released each Sunday for self-study including reflection practices, journaling prompts & information to integrate.
  •  Live Zoom Gathering each week that will be recorded & shared with the group. Wednesday Evenings, 7-8:30pm Central time.
  •  Our time together in the virtual temple space will offer an opportunity for you to receive the course material & archetypal activations as well as reflect on your own journey.
  •  One of the primary roles of the Priest/Priestess archetype is deep listening & the capacity to witness from a soul level. During these calls, you will have the chance to practice cultivating these skills and discovering how it feels to be truly seen & witnessed as you share from your Essence Self.

8-Week Journey Into the Archetypes


Beyond Thought

Exploring the Crown Chakra:
Cultivating Our Unique Connection to the Divine


Beyond Form

Exploring the Third Eye Chakra:
Learning to See from a Soul Level


Beyond Words

Exploring the Throat Chakra:
Silence, Sound & Sharing from Essence


Beyond Small Self

Exploring the Heart Chakra:
Forgiveness, Compassion & the Emotional Body


Beyond Limitations

Exploring the Solar Plexus Chakra:
Cultivating the Light Within & Self-Empowerment


Beyond Routine

Exploring the Sacral Chakra:
The Power of the Womb, Creative Flow & Self-Nurturance


Beyond Time

Exploring the Roat Chakra:
Exploring our Connection to the Ancient & Future through Nature & Myth


Beyond the Known

Exploring the Path of Initiation: 
Integration & Intention as the Mythic Self

I am Greyson.


As a Priestess devoted to walking as an emissary of Divine Mother's Love, with the brilliant team both above & below, I am building the foundation of this temple. 

After over a decade of deep diving into the realms of the Divine Feminine, archetypal embodiment and inner alchemy, the time has come to serve others as a midwife of their Soul....just as the below guides, mentors, teachers & soul allies have done and continue to do for me.

Sacred Exchange


I am grateful to receive an exchange for the energy that went into creating this course, as well as the time & space I choose to hold for all on this journey.

A portion of your exchange will go to my teacher, mentor & sister Sarah Uma as well as the Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a nonprofit established by Ariel Spilsbury as a living temple to the Divine Feminine way of being that our entire planet is shifting towards in this extraordinary time.


Home Study Course


one-time payment


Cohort w/ Greyson


payment plans available


"Greyson lives this work through every molecule of her being. She is not merely “teaching”. She embodies and thus is able to translate and transmit this material from a place that few others can. The grace, beauty and presence she brings to all that she does in creating offerings such as this such a gift to us all."

- Sharon E.